Barbie: A History

She Loves me, She Loves me not…

February has always been a big month for Barbie.

She was released in February 1959 (at the American International Toy Fair in NYC)

Her longtime boyfriend Ken Carson was released in February 1961 (also Toy Fair)

Ken’s best friend Allan and Barbie’s best friend Midge got married at Toy Fair 1991.

In February 2004 Barbie decided she needed some space and dumped Ken for an Australian boogie boarder named Blaine.

February 2006 brought a completely redesigned Ken doll and Kicked Blaine out of the picture.

Last year, at Toy Fair 2010 Barbies 125th career was announced (computer engineer)

This year (Ken’s 50th) it looks as though Ken is trying to woo Barbie with a series of stunts each more romantic than the next.

You can even vote at or by texting THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN to 51684 as to whether you think Barbie should take back Ken.

Follow @BarbieStyle and @OfficialKen on Twitter, and of course we’ll keep you updated.


Fun Fact: Barbie’s Full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts

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