Galactic Snackin’ Grogu is Hungry


Sorry, just needed to get that out. Hasbro has launched preorders for what we believe is going to be one of the top toys this Christmas season (read: buy this now)

In follow up to the award winning Animatronic The Child that was one of 2020’s top toys comes Galactic Snackin’ Grogu. Grogu comes with 4 accessories (Navarro Nummie, Squid Soup, a spoon, and his favorite toy, a shift knob) that he will interact with. Put food in his hands and he’ll make sounds to tell you if he thinks it’s yummy or yucky. Give him his shift knob and tap his head three times and he’ll perform a two handed Force move. Grogu also loves to be picked up and held, and will raise his arms when he wants ‘up’. Galactic Snackin’ Grogu also features series-inspired sound effects, a premium soft goods robe, moving head, ears, arms, and blinking eyes!

Galactic Snackin’ Grogu is scheduled to release in September at an MSRP of $79.99 and is recommended for ages 4 and up.

Grogu is available now for Preorder on Amazon, Hasbro Pulse, Entertainment Earth, Walmart, Target, GameStop, and many other locations. (I’ve included all the links so when it inevitably sells out you’ll have other options and be mindful of shipping dates, some retailers have already exhausted their initial preorder stock and are taking orders for later in the year.) He doesn’t come with batteries so make sure you have 4 AAs at home.

You can grab some Nevarro Nummies for yourself from Williams Sonoma too (or make your own.)

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