New Monopoly Games for 2021

Hasbro is launching two new versions of Monopoly for Fall 2021.

The first is Monopoly Builder, which adds a new building aspect to the game. Landing on spaces will provide resources (in addition to cash) which can be used to build bigger and bigger buildings on your properties. Always wanted a penthouse on Park Place? Now’s your chance!

Buildings award points, and the winner of the game is the person who has the most points when the Penthouse is built, not necessarily the person with the most cash, which adds a twist to the classic game.

It’ll be available around August for $24.99 and is recommended for ages 8 and up

Next up is Monopoly Crooked Cash. In this game, things aren’t as they seem, as there are fake Community Chest and Chance cards, and fake cash! Mr. Monopoly provides his decoder to spot the fakes and you can use your accusation coins to challenge your opponents for playing with fakes!

The player with the most money at the end (real or otherwise) wins!

It’ll also be available around August for $19.99 and is recommended for ages 8+

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