No Future Cara Dune Figures from Hasbro

In light of the recent controversies surrounding Gina Carano and her portrayal of Cara Dune in The Mandalorian, Hasbro has released the following statement.

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“We’re thrilled to have the privilege of creating products featuring characters and stories from The Mandalorian for our fans. Hasbro has completed development of all season 1 and 2 product featuring Cara Dune, and there are no current plans to create more. We are actively working with our retail partners to address existing orders,” Hasbro SVP Global Communications Julie Duffy said.

It does not appear that the figures saw an early cancellation as speculated. More that the line had been finished for the season, and the future waves won’t include Cara Dune as she won’t be in future episodes of the show.

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