Monopoly Live!

I, for one, welcome our new computer overlords.

Coming this fall from Hasbro, Monopoly and Battleship LIVE!  No, it’s not a new game show on the Hub Network. They are two new board games with built in Artificial Intelligence that allow anything to happen!

Image courtesy Hasbro

Each Live! game features an all seeing tower centered at the middle of the game (requires 4 AA batteries) which works by reflecting an infrared light off the board and game pieces not only keeps track of all goings on, but also adds an element of surprise to gameplay.


In Battleship Live!  You may suddenly run into a typhoon in your waters or a surprise air attack will prevent you from attacking.  Monopoly Live! features a computerized “Cab” that can wisk you across the board to purchase a specific property.

The catch?  No cheating.  The tower keeps track of pieces, turns, properties, and above all, cash.  According to Hasbro, “The tower never makes a mistake.”  No embezzlement in this version of Monopoly..


Each Live! game will retail for around $50 and be available just in time for the 2011 Holiday season.

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